Inspired by the true story of Walter Kahn, a 12-year-old Jewish boy growing up in Nazi Germany, who creates a Superhero Universe to survive the anti-Semitic bullies at school. But, he’ll need all his superpowers when he takes a stand against Hitler in this short film that blends live action and animation.
A wise person said, “The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”
FRAMED is a powerful story that resonates with today's issues and will touch people across the globe.
FRAMED is the first in a series of films that will open a global dialog and provide a platform for people to realize that we are all members of one moral community; making each one of us responsible for our actions and most importantly, our inactions.
FRAMED will drive awareness and raise funds to eradicate social injustice, oppression and bullying.
The award-winning team of writer/director Brenda Lee Lau and producer Sylvia Kahn Versace join forces in making this powerful short film.